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Newspaper Profile


Newspaper Profile
The MICE Poland is a professional monthly devoted to the problems of motivation, business communication and professional organization of conferences and congresses. The newspaper is targeted at the planners and organizers of various events and incentives in the major Polish cities.
The materials published in The MICE Poland become an important inspiration for experts working in agencies that organize events and show the best ways of promoting C&C destinations to the staff of Regional Convention Bureaus. Our main objective is the comprehensive presentation of problems related to the operations of the Polish meetings business – MICE (meetings, incentives, conventions, events).
The MICE Poland describes the most interesting Polish and foreign destinations, provides an account of incentives and present the worldwide trends in the meetings business – MICE.
Our editorial staff attend all important MICE meetings in the world in order to acquire the latest information about current trends and prospects of the MICE market development in Poland and Europe. Each month our editors provide the meetings business readers with the descriptions of new conference centres, hotels and meetings projects, comment on the operations of the international meetings organizations, present achievements and careers of the best MICE experts in Europe.
The information provided to you by The MICE Poland is updated and reliable.

Our Readers
Our magazine reaches company executives, planners of corporate events, event and incentive agencies, congress organizers, owners of accommodation and congress facilities, organizers of fairs, and the staff of municipal promotion departments.
The MICE Poland is delivered free of charge to individual addressees representing the biggest Polish companies and other subscribers; it is also promoted during tourist fairs, meetings and symposiums.

Technical data
Published by: Publishing House Eurosystem
Frequency: monthly + special editions
Place of publication: Poland
Format: 235mm x 297mm
Pages: 32 ; shiny chalk overlay paper, full colour
Circulation: 5,000 copies
ISSN: 1895-7889
Annual Subsription per year: 144 pln


Ludzie branży


Łukasz Mączka

Dyrektor sprzedaży i marketingu w Crystal Mountain

O sobie: 

Zawodowo: Od zawsze sprzedawca. Od ponad dekady hotelarz. Całe zawodowe życie związane ze Śląskiem Cieszyńskim i Beskidami. Absolwent Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach oraz studiów podyplomowych w Szkole Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie.
Prywatnie: Jestem psiarzem, aktualnie towarzyszy mi Astor – kundel doskonały, ze schroniskową przeszłością. Razem odkrywamy piękno Beskidów, a wędrówki pozwalają mi ładować baterie.





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